Sunday, November 22, 2009

garlic is in ..finally

We are enjoying Sampson the golden puppy very much - he is a gentle lunk .. housetraining a puppy is a pain, and he has some seperation anxiety issues but we are working through those minor issues and just loving having a play mate for Sally who is gentle with everybody
This weird warm fall continues - went for another beach walk this morning .. and collected clover, willow and green bullrush leaves for the bunnies - it is both lovely and a little scary

I'm taking a course every other weekend and working .. and I'm getting tired .. sounds pathetic but it's true .. I do half of what most folks do and have no excuse for running out steam but I guess if I am running out of steam I need to figure out a way to recharge

Looking forward to 2 weeks off around christmas very much :)

Some more bunnies have moved in .. update to follow after puppy picture loads (the joys of dial up...)

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