Tuesday, September 25, 2012

And Whoosh.........

A month has flown by in a flurry of getting it together ...

We are in the schoolhouse full time now and I'm spending way more time then I'd choose to trekking back and forth to our city house cleaning, purging and preparing to sell it.

Made it to three long walks at the farm the last three days and the lake today. Paradise indeed.

up at the tree line is one spot we are considering putting the house

Rabbits are enjoying all the lovely fresh food. Silkies are growing big and strong - I keep suggesting they might want to start laying eggs soon!
The meat chicks are positively HUGE. They seem much bigger and more content than last years chicks (who were big and happy don't misunderstand me!)  Nearly time to set up their appointment. Sad day but it really does make me feel better having ethical, humanely raised food.

Enjoying the fruits of the garden with some 40 foot meals- veggies stir fry and roast so well!

Forgive my absence - I'll be back in full force once the house is on the market. Lots to reflect about with this BIG change in life.

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