Thursday, December 31, 2009


a brief review

It was good .. it actually captured my attention and I'm not a fan of gimmicks
I hate going to the theatre - I can't sit still long enough to enjoy a movie usually and this was a LONG film - but apart from one brief moment at about the 1.5 mark when I checked the time and thought -oh I guess this is ending soon (it didn't) it held me.
Strong women (many), interesting interactions of human, animal and plant, political messaging, and a decent story line all enhanced the amazing 3D effect
I read James Cameron wanted people going back to the theatres - and he thought this movie would help - I agree - it's been out 11 days here and the first show of the day was packed.

I got to to see a Telus goat ad too - one of my buddies from, HT and the Hobby Farm forum was the wrangler for the ads so I'd heard about them but not seen one.
Here's an example of one for those of you not on dial up ....

Monday, December 28, 2009

snowy blowy winter

but inside the fire is roaring and I snapped some baby bunny pictures to try to figure out colours ;)

Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas

I hope you had a wonderful day....
some MORE baby jersey wooly pictures for your viewing pleasure
- this little singleton is 8 days old here - Mama is a darling rabbit with a great temperment ...

Sunday, December 20, 2009

nearly the shortest day of the year ...

and it's PITCH black @ 5:15 here - I often wonder how folks who live way up north manage months of virtual darkness - I need the light and the sun!
We had a short but lovely walk around a field this afternoon - very weird to hear the coyotes yipping and yammering at 2:30 ...
Seed catalogs have started arriving so holidays can be spent arranging my garden - at least in my head ... I usually use Vesey's but William Dam is tempting me this year somehow ...

babies are all doing well ... phew

I will post pictures soon the oldest ones really look rabit like now

Monday, December 14, 2009

sick of babies yet?

me neither ;)

and Terri over at
is having a cool giveaway ...
go check it out :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

heidi says...

The bunnies are hard to make out in the first picture - and I must agree - it isn't that much easier in the 2 day later picture either - perhaps partly a function of a phone camera? maybe cause the ones most obvious are the same colour right now as Joy's pulled fur? Perhaps tiny new kittens will help make up for it?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

oh we got babies ...

our first baby rabbits were born this weekend - this is them at about 20 hours old - already you can actually tell they are rabbits- their ears are lengthening by the minute
Mama Joy is doing a good job with them ..
one is grey and pink, one is black with a little pink and one is quite pink - I can't wait to see what colour they become !!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

good thing it's a planning time of year

cause not much is happening on the farm front - work, life and tragedy continue to keep me busy .. too busy but I've hardly set foot on the farm ...

we are saving hard to get some implements for the atv - a grass cutter is highest on my list

"our" plan is apparently to grow an acre of potatos next summer .. well part of the plan anyhow - I have reservations but I guess it's one way to learn ...